In progress
- Own
3D liver virtual modeling and reconstruction
The main objective of the project is to obtain high-precision three-dimensional virtual reconstruction of the liver from previous CT and MRI images in an automated way, through the development of a clinically validated application with neural network training.
i-ViCo CMA 10
CHUVI personalized information for cholecystectomy in major outpatient surgery: DEVELOPMENT AND VALIDATION
The main objective is to develop an App/WEB based on a form of personal history and life habits, with questions selected by Health professionals, for patients who have an indication for non-CMA laparoscopic cholecystectomy, provide personalized recommendations automated through Artificial Intelligence (AI) based on different combinations of patient responses to each of the questions. Among the recommendations, both pre- and post-surgical guidelines were included.
Implementation of PROA in the management of acute cholecystitis
To analyze the rate of recurrence of acute cholecystitis and/or need for surgical intervention during hospital admission once the PROA is applied. Measurement of antibiotic consumption by defined daily dose per 100 stays (DDD/100 stays) and days of total antibiotics per 100 stays, in patients admitted for acute cholecystitis. Demonstrate, in terms of morbidity and mortality, hospital stay and antibiotic consumption by process (acute cholecystitis), the effectiveness of the implementation of the PROA in the management of patients admitted for acute cholecystitis in the General Surgery Service of the Vigo University Hospital Complex.
Phase II clinical trial
This is a randomized, open-label, phase 1/2 trial of gemcitabine plus Nab-paclitaxel with or without FG-3019 as neoadjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced unresectable pancreatic cancer.
Splenic volume as a biomarker of liver damage after chemotherapy in liver metastases from colorectal cancer
Prospective observational multicenter study promoted by the San Carlos Clinical Hospital, the Complutense University of Madrid and with the participation of the HBP unit of the Vigo Hospital Complex. The study focuses on the analysis of the effects of chemotherapy on the liver and spleen. It has been observed that chemotherapy drugs can cause liver injury (CALI), which has been associated with increased morbidity and mortality after surgery for metastases. Recently, it has been proposed that increased spleen volume could be an indicator of chemotherapy-induced liver damage. The main objective of the study is to analyze the relationship between changes in splenic volume after chemotherapy and liver damage, and to establish a prognostic index. Secondary objectives include the analysis of the relationship between changes in splenic volume after chemotherapy and postoperative complications, survival, and the correlation between the APRI index and splenic size.
Analysis of Survival after neoadjuvant therapy in resectable pancreatic cancer with risk factors
ICI20-00047 Phase II clinical trial
The main objective of this clinical trial is to evaluate overall survival data in patients diagnosed with resectable pancreatic adenocarcinoma with risk factors who complete neoadjuvant treatment with mFOLFIRINOX and radiotherapy, surgery and subsequently, adjuvant chemotherapy.
QuiCo Study
Analysis of the incidence of cholangiocarcinoma on Choledochal Cysts in our environment
Retrospective analysis of patients diagnosed with choledochal cyst in the period between 2000 and 2020. Demographic variables, risk factors for cholangiocarcinoma, symptoms associated with the cyst and its characteristics, diagnostic method, type of treatment, complications, incidence of malignancy, as well as time and method of follow-up. Through this national multicenter study, we intend to know the clinical situation of this rare pathology in our environment.
Evaluation of recurrence after partial pancreatectomy for intraductal mucinous papillary neoplasia.
Global Gall Bladder Cancer Registry
Gallbladder Cancer is a rare cancer and has traditionally been grouped within biliary tract cancers along with cholangiocarcinomas. Ethnic and geographic variations are observed, and its incidence varies 20 times depending on the geographic region. There are different treatment patterns around the world. This registry is an effort to understand and adopt a uniform consensus for the management of GBC. The data available is the experience of individual centers and will help frame guidelines and also identify centers for trial participation. The study is conducted under the auspices of the International Hepato-Pancreato-Biliary Association (IHPBA; International Gallbladder Study Group), which is a non-profit charitable organization incorporated in the US.
- OwnCollaborations
Social networks as a source of information for surgical patients
Are they a real communication channel?
The wide spread of social media provides healthcare professionals with a unique and unprecedented opportunity to interact with patients, including having a two-way communication chat. Our objective was to analyze, through anonymous and voluntary surveys directed at patients who attended our different General Surgery unit consultations, the use they made of the Internet and social networks in our healthcare area, and the interest they had in their surgeon. through six questions.
Prospective Snapshot Audit of Distal Pancreatectomy in Spain (Spadispan) - SPAnish DIStal PANcreatectomy Snapshot Study
The primary objective is 90-day morbidity measured according to the Clavien Dindo and CCI Classification, and the rate of pancreatic fistula (grade A/B/C). The secondary objectives are: hospital stay (days of hospital admission if there is readmission, the total number of days admitted), type of approach (laparotomic/laparoscopic), relationship between diagnosis and type of approach, and morbidity rate according to volume. of center and approach, mortality, total and disease-free survival in neoplastic patients.
coMpliAnce with evideNce-based cliniCal guidelines in the managemenT of acute biliaRy pan- creAtitis
Primary objective: To evaluate which elements of current BP guidelines, if ignored, correlate with negative clinical outcomes according to different clinical presentations of the disease. Secondary objectives: To evaluate the compliance of surgeons around the world with the most up-to-date international guidelines on lithatic AP. To evaluate medical-surgical practice in the management of lithatic BP during the non-pandemic (2019) and COVID-19 pandemic (2020) periods. To investigate the outcomes of patients with stone AP treatment during the two study periods.
PAin management IN patients with Acute Pancreatitis
Acute pancreatitis (AP) is a common and serious inflammatory disease. The incidence of AP is 40-60 cases per 100,000 inhabitants per year. The estimated overall mortality rate is 5%, but increases to 20-50% in severe AP. Abdominal pain is the cardinal symptom in patients admitted with acute pancreatitis (AP). The approach to analgesia in current clinical practice is highly variable, largely undocumented, and there is a lack of consensus in published guidelines. There is notable dependence on opioids, increasing the risk of opioid dependence and other side effects. Furthermore, there is a paucity of data from randomized trials comparing analgesics and evaluating their impact on short-term outcomes, such as pancreatitis severity and post-pancreatitis complications. Rationale: The PAINAP study aims to determine current analgesic practices and the association between the type of analgesic use and its impact on short-term outcomes in patients with AP.
Early postoperative biomarkers in cephalic pancreaticoduodenectomy as predictors of complications: multicenter Spanish validation study
To carry out external validation of the PF predictor score after CPD based on lymphocytes and CRP in the initial postoperative period on a large sample of patients, recruited prospectively and in a multicenter manner, simultaneously obtaining national morbidity and mortality data in Spain for CPD.